properti komersial
Hubungi CP: 081219135665
Luas Tanah: 34,678 M2
Luas Bangunan: 2,898 M2
Lease out a warehousing location located on the side of the toll road from Cibitung to Jakarta.
This storage warehouse consists of indoor storage in the form of a sturdy building with floor pressure reaching above 10 tons. The indoor warehouse area is 2,898 m2 which can be separated into 6 small warehouses with an area of 483 m2.
While the outdoor/open yard warehouse with an area of 16,644 m2 and can be broken down into several small sizes depending on storage needs.
Access to the location can be through by 2 toll lanes, namely the Jakarta-Cibitung toll and the Cibitung-Cilincing toll.
Warehouse Rental Cost Rp 50,000.- /m2 per month and Open Yard Rp 25,000.-/m2 per month
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